Yearly Archives: 2019

What Should You Know about Parting Tools and Parting Operation Parting is to insert a blade like tool directly into the workpiece and cut off the workpiece with a certain length. It is usually used to remove the finished end…

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Carane Ngapikake Akurasi Mesin

Fixture design is generally carried out in accordance with the specific requirements of a certain process after the formulation of the machining process of parts. The possibility of fixture realization should be fully considered in the formulation of process. When…

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How to Effectively Remove Burrs

Burr in metal processing is a common problem, such as drilling, turning, milling, plate cutting. One of the hazards of burrs is easy to be hurt. In order to remove burrs, a second operation called deburring is usually required. Three deburring…

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jv_IDBasa Jawa